
Owning a Sting

Sunsets_027_copy_fsThe Sting is an incredibly versatile, composite two seat touring aeroplane. It can take two adults, 60lbs of baggage and full fuel and cruise for 5 hours at 120kts, the Rotax 912S sipping mogas at 18 litres/hr. Even with this payload it will operate out of 300m grass strips with ease. Indeed the demonstrator is based on a microlight strip where the longest runway is 285m. The Sting is a joy to fly and with its excellent flight characteristics, touring capability and STOL performance we think you will agree that it is an unbeatable overall package.


StingBelly_Czech_fsThe Sting has a remarkable speed range of 39-130kts. The low stall speed enables it to operate safely from microlight strips, while the high cruising speed makes long day trips possible. The aircraft has the option of a Powermax in-flight variable pitch propeller, providing maximum efficiency over the wide speed range. With the option of TruTrak autopilot components the Sting makes a formidable go-anywhere, land-anywhere touring machine. This TruTrak option must be installed by the user if this option is taken.


cockpitabove_fsThe Sting has moulded carbon fibre seats with full four-point Schroth safety harnesses. The cockpit is 43 inches wide and can accomodate even the tallest pilots. The unsurpassed view from the large, unobstructed canopy makes long cross-country flights a pleasure and enables a good lookout to be maintained.


Cockpit_open_taxi_halfsizeThe Sting is manufactured to the highest standard in carbon fibre composites by TL-Ultralight in the Czech Republic. Composite construction allows for a sleek, low drag airframe while also being immensely strong and durable. Gliders of all types have been made predominantly from glass fibre for the last 35 years and highly successful modern designs such as the Cirrus G3 and the Diamond range of aircraft are all made from composites.

The Sting TL-2000 Carbon – truly an airplane for the new millennium!